Photo Gallery
Bonsor 55+ Snooker Group Celebrates Year End in Style!
A delightful awards luncheon was hosted by this group at the Kirin restaurant at the end of August to celebrate a very successful year by the Snooker Group. Awards were given to tournament winners, including best improved, best all-around sportsman, and winners of the coveted cup. Dignitaries from the lower mainland and the President of the Society as well as the board liaison were in attendance, and the ever-present camaraderie of the group was evident to all lucky enough to be there to share in the festivities.
[Click on thumbnails below to view the photos]
Sing-Along Celebrates End of Spring Session 2023
Approximately 40 participants and guests joined in to create a wonderful luncheon and much lively music to celebrate the end of their Spring Session. This activity has grown so much this year, partly due to the enthusiasm of the Group's leaders and wonderful talent of the musicians. They will convene again in the fall, and all are welcome.
Badminton Group Chinese New Year Celebration 2023
Gong Hei Fat Choy!! Chinese New Year came a bit early this year on January 22. Bonsor Seniors Badminton group was delighted to have a celebration without any Covid restriction. To celebrate the year of rabbit, we held a banquet dinner at Grand Crystal Seafood Restaurant in Crystal Mall. 130 people signed up for the event. With the concerns of Covid still lingering, the attendance was slightly down this year.
This year, Mary Horton, our 55+ Society liaison, and the badminton group were delighted to have Burnaby Mayor Mike Hurley as our special guest of honour. It was Mike’s first time to join our event. He went around each table, handed out red envelopes and took pictures with everyone. I have never seen so many cell phones up taking pictures! Later, some of the pictures were uploaded onto Mike’s Instagram and Twitter account.
We had 2 musical performances by our members: an Er-hu and a guitar performance. After the guitar performance, Mike offered to sing a song with the borrowed guitar. What a pleasant surprise and what a great impromptu performance!!! The whole room just burst into cheers with everyone shouting “Encore” afterwards.
The food was absolutely delicious. Mike enjoyed the food so much he stayed for the whole dinner. And he really loved the desserts, baked tapioca pudding.
In all, everyone enjoyed the dinner and had a wonderful time.
Submitted by Caroline Young
[Click on thumbnails below to view the photos]
Open Art Studio Lunar New Year 2023 Display
To celebrate Lunar New Year, the Open Art Studio prepared an art display shown in the Bonsor 55+ Lounge. The New Year theme artwork done by group members showed off a wide variety of medium including print making and Chinese painting. Hope you enjoy the display as much as we enjoy doing it.
Our group has also moved to the larger room in the north side of the building and our time has changed to 1:45 -3:45pm on Tuesdays. We are now able to welcome more members. Do drop by to visit if you are interested in our group's activities.
Goodwin Young
Successful Event - Mulberry Art Walk
The Bonsor 55+ Open Arts Group was invited to participate in the Mulberry's annual ART WALK featuring the artistry of Burnaby Seniors. The works on display showed an amazing amount of talent! How wonderful to have an opportunity to show the public another example of how our seniors contribute to the community while keeping active and utilizing their talents in a friendly social environment. New members are always welcome!
Snooker Group Tournament: Harvey Lee Trophy 2022
A competition was held last weekend for the Harvey Lee Trophy. There was a full attendance the final day, starting at 10:00 am. Dave Braganza was the winner, and Stan Ziolkowski was the runner up. Dave Braganza also won the high break of the tournament with a 52 point lead. Thank you to the volunteers and referees.
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