Photo Gallery
Volunteer Lunch 2016
On Wednesday March 30 we held our annual volunteer luncheon; this year’s theme was Bonsor Air! We were once again proud to reward and recognize the hard work of the hundreds of volunteers who make our programs so successful for so many people over the age of 55.
This year we had wonderful songs from the past sung by The Agency Girls and a lively dance floor, plus, a delicious buffet lunch provided by Ricky’s Country Restaurant. To cap the event off, we were able to give away many wonderful door prizes donated by our generous sponsors from across the Lower Mainland. We would also like to thank all the staff who worked so hard to put together this event and to remind our current volunteers to make sure you are logging your hours, you need 35 logged hours for the year to qualify for the luncheon! If you are interested in volunteering please apply by contacting Don Doyle at 604-297-4580 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
[Click on thumbnail below to view the photos]
Badminton Group Chinese New Year Dinner 2016
On March 4, the badminton group organized a dinner to celebrate Chinese New Year at Fraser Court Seafood Restaurant. Over the years, many members have expressed interest in a gala dinner to coincide with Chinese New Year and we are happy to be able to do it for the first time this year.
The event was well attended by a total of 202 people. The event started around 3:30pm with Karaoke and dancing. About 50 people signed up to sing and more people joined in the dancing.
The banquet style dinner started around 6:30pm, with plenty of seafood like crabs, prawns, scallops and fish. The delicious baked tapioca pudding rounded out the dinner perfectly. There were abundance of food and even leftover for members to take home. The highlight of the evening was the two excellent performances by our members during dinner. First was Er-hu recital, a Chinese musical instrument, performed by Maggie Hsu. Second was Cantonese opera singing by Tony Wong and Ada Chow. The performance showcased some of the hidden talents among our members. And judging by the applauses they received, it was definitely a big hit. At the end of the dinner, some 60 donated door prizes were drawn to the delight of the winners.
The dinner ended around 9pm followed with more dancing. Members brought their favourite dance music and they danced and danced until 10:30pm. Everyone had a good time with a lot of compliments from the members. Some members were already asking about next year’s dinner!
Finally, I’d like to thank the many volunteers who helped make this event a huge success.
Submitted by Caroline Young
[Click on thumbnails below to view the photos]
Badminton Group Christmas Party 2015
On November 20, 2015, following our Bonsor Cup tournament, we had our annual Christmas lunch organized by Caroline Young. A record number of 166 members signed up for the lunch. Our menu included curry beef, cashew chicken, spicy salt spareribs, BBQ pork, egg tofu with minced pork, Buddha’s feast, Singapore fried vermicelli and rice; plus egg custard tarts and deep fried sweet rice ball for desserts. With so many dishes to choose from, it was certainly a big feast. The food was absolutely delicious and everyone thoroughly enjoyed it.
After the lunch, it was the medal ceremony for the tournament. Our president, Peter McConville, presented the medals to all the winners. Everyone was joking and cheering on each other. Then came picture time, with each team taking pictures with the Bonsor Cup.
We also had a number of door prizes at the end. Everyone cheered each time a prize winner was drawn. Loud roars broke through the ceiling when the last big prize winner was announced.
Our members also donated $182.00 to the Senior Society’s Maywood School mitten fund.
The Christmas party was a huge success and all our members enjoyed the good food and the socializing with other members. With such a large event like this, however, it will not succeed without the help of all the volunteers. I’d like to express my sincere gratitude to all the people involved, with a special thanks to Alice Ng and Annie Louie who assisted me throughout the whole event.
Submitted by Caroline Young
[Click on thumbnails below to view the photos]
Halloween Dance 2015
On Thursday, October 29, the Bonsor 55+ Dance Committee hosted a Halloween theme Dance, and our members responded with great enthusiasm. Kudos to Dorothy, Roz and Ron and all the dance volunteers, who always go to great effort to celebrate special occasions. The dances are held Tuesday and Thursday every week, and as you can see they are very popular.
[Click on thumbnails below to view the photos]
Snooker Club House League Lunch - October 2015
On October 13, 2015, the Bonsor Snooker Club celebrated another successful summer of House League competition with a dimsum lunch at a seafood restaurant. Honour guests were society president Mary Horton and Lower Mainland Seniors Snooker League executive Frank Bourassa. Trophies and medals were handed out to the winning team Happy Hookers, and the 2nd place team Krooked Kues. As well, special trophies were given to Richard Shim for winning the Most Improved Player award, and Frank Filipelli for winning the Best Sportsmanship award. A delicious lunch was enjoyed by all.
[Click on thumbnails below to view the photos]
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