Bonsor Snooker Club - Report as of March 8 2024
On January 14, 2024 (Sunday), three Bonsor teams (24 contestants) participated in the “Snooker Skills Contest.” Points were assigned for successfully completing the skill exercises. The 5 snooker skills were: “Black Ball” potting, “Run Colour” potting, “X-Rest” potting, “Side Cushion” potting, and “Safety” shots. Stan Ziolkowski finished #1 for his overall highest score.
January to March 08, 2024 has been busy with the Bonsor Bee’s winning 1st place in the regular season of the Lower Mainland Seniors Snooker League (LMSSL). Karim Tejani and Rob Lockhart have done a terrific job as Captain/Co-Captain of the Bonsor Bee’s.
Now in the playoffs, Bonsor is competing against the Dogwood team. Bonsor went to the Dogwood Snooker Club and won the 1st match last Wednesday (March 6, 2024) 10 frames to 6 frames. The 2nd match will happen on March 13, 2024 Wednesday at the Bonsor Snooker Club. The playoffs will conclude by the end of March 2024.
After the LMSSL Season concludes at the end of March 2024, the LMSSL Post-Season Tournaments start. This tournament involves about 8 teams, in three different divisions: A-Division, B-Division, and Super-Seniors (age 80+). This post-season tournament is very popular and has in-excess of 40+ contestants.
The Bonsor Snooker Club membership is strong with 62 members. In addition to schedule LMSSL matches, the Snooker Club o ers daily free-play time. The skill level of play ranges from novice to expert with varied opportunities to learn the sport and improve skill level. Of course, the Club also offers opportunity for friendship and good times.
Dan Hanna
Bonsor 55+ Snooker Club